
Soak City Rules

Here are the Rules
1.  You must always be with a buddy.  You can switch buddies, but you can not be by yourself.
2.  You must check in with me after every ride.
3.  You must have fun!

See you tomorrow.  We leave Salem at 9:15.


  1. Yipp Yipp Yippee! Megan S. and me just went to see a movie!

  2. wow wow wow wow wow wow wow! What movie was it?

  3. Do we wear our bathing suits to school? or do we wear clothes to school?

  4. C-Bass, Sambo, Waleb, Allison, and Greyson6/01/2010

    Me, Sam, Caleb, Allison, and Greyson had a blast together. We went bowling and than we swam in the pool. We also played games in the pool. We played on the computer, had lunch and cookies and talked. Hope you guys had fun a at soak city.

    Last two days of school coming up.

    See you tomorrow!

  5. Megan O...
    I will tell u tomorrow!

  6. Im on my moms laptop computer and its a apple but the blog looks different!


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