
It was the plan

7 He was oppressed and afflicted,
yet he did not open his mouth;
he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
and as a sheep before her shearers is silent,
so he did not open his mouth.
10 Yet it was the LORD's will to crush him and cause him to suffer,

May God richly bless you with wisdom and understanding of his plan that was fulfilled in Jesus Christ!


  1. Great pic!!!!!! so cool its like an angle with the fluff around it poof poof poofy!

  2. Hi Mrs. Rumsey, can you tell me the name of the movie we watched today that was about Jesus? My Dad wants to know about it.

    I hope you have a really nice Easter break.

    Emily (Mimi)

  3. wow! I know what the movie is! It's
    Matthew, cause the story is about Matthew! Well not Matthew Pacholl it's Matthew in the Bible! I covered my eyes and hid behind Emma when I got scared and frightened! I was crying at the end because I was so happy to see Jesus rise up from the dead!!! I♥U Jesus Christ! To the Father the Son, and the Holy Spirit! I will miss u all while Easter break!

  4. Anonymous3/31/2010

    I know I could not look when they hit him and all the other stuff just to remind you Jesus.✞

    Eva :)

  5. C-Bass4/01/2010

    It is amazing all the stuff He had to go through.

  6. little maj4/06/2010

    hey those are cool pic. hey mrs rumsey i did no get one of the reading paper so some can i use a blank piece of paper.

  7. C-Bass4/07/2010

    Happy late Easter!!!!!


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